Hi @EverSoull . Thank you for a detailed report and a repro file. That is really appreciated.
The cases like this can be quite misleading. What is actually going on is that there is a single voxel that has a very low value, in a material that has a weird shape, which makes this voxel invisible (it renders as a box sized 0 studs) when up close, but it still shows something at further distances because of how the LODs work in the current terrain system.
You can confirm this if you delete all valid terrain in the example you sent, just leave that stray voxel, then run this script (fiddle the x/y/z ranges for the approximate location):
local step = 512
for x = 9000, 16384, step do
for y = 200, 700, step do
for z = 2000, 3500, step do
local materials, occupancies = game.Workspace.Terrain:ReadVoxels(Region3.new(Vector3.new(x,y,z), Vector3.new(x+step, y+step, z+step)), 4)
for ix= 1, occupancies.Size.x do
for iy= 1, occupancies.Size.y do
for iz= 1, occupancies.Size.z do
o = occupancies[ix][iy][iz]
if o>0 then
m = materials[ix][iy][iz]
print("mat="..m.Name.." occ="..o.." @ "..(x+ix*4-4)..","..(y+iy*4-4)..","..(z+iz*4-4).."!")
-- materials[ix][iy][iz] = Enum.Material.Grass;
-- game.Workspace.Terrain:WriteVoxels(Region3.new(Vector3.new(x,y,z), Vector3.new(x+step, y+step, z+step)), 4, materials, occupancies)
It will print something like:
mat=Pavement occ=0.12109375 @ 9768,616,2428
Pavement material is specifically problematic for this due to how it forces the specific shape. I will look into whether something can be done to prevent these from becoming fully invisible, but no guarantees for now.
TL;DR: For now, you can use the Region tool to delete the stray voxel in question.