For some reason, when in game and studio there are small chunks of terrain that appear. When attempting to erode them, it acts as if it’s not there.
If you know what this is or how to fix it, please let me know! Thanks.
This seriously has been bugging me too. It appears for absolutely no reason.
When I zoom in on the chunks, they disappear, and they don’t go away while eroding or subtracting.
They only appear from far away.
I don’t have any screenshots on me at the moment, but it has happened for me before.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, but may be related to LOD? You should make a bug report, @Domxom.
It’s a big problem, especially whenever you add “Decoration” to grass. It floats in the air.
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I’ve found with the extra grass decoration if you zoom back far away, then zoom in again it disappears.
Yes, but it’s still there. 30 chars
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I figured out how to get rid of it. You simply have to “grow” the land until it covers up the floating grass, then erode it.