Invisible walls using Unions + Part overlap flickering

I’m trying to make a circular platform (using Archimedes and not cylinders) that has indented places for stairs. I’m using unions and negative parts to do this because I want it to be all one piece so there are no glitches where the parts overlap.

Every time I try I use a negative part to create the space for the stairs, there’s some sort of invisible wall on the stairs that doesn’t completely block it off but is just in the way.

I’ve fiddled around with it a lot, changing up the order I unioned pieces together (which reduced the problem but it’s still there), and I even separated the circle into different union pieces, which technically HAS solved the problem, however, it causes the part overlap flickering glitch.

I have the CollisionFidelity on PreciseConvexDecomposition, and the stairs I’m using are not part of the union, they’re a separate model. I’m not using Blender or any meshes, everything is in Roblox Studio.

Here’s a picture of the idea, if it helps any:

I want to find a way to prevent the overlap flickering, but the only way I understand how to do that is with unions, which causes invisible walls. Is there something I’m missing? Do I have to scrap the idea entirely?

I dont recommend using unions for anything related to structures/buildings ect. The hitbox can be really un accurate. As for overlapping parts, try changing the size by 0.01 to avoid material/decal glitches.

From what i know, unions are best fitted for small props or objects. I may be wrong, so correct me if i am.

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That’s what I saw when I looked up this problem on here.

I separated all the unions except the ones with the stairs (which would probably also help with the speed while saving the project). I made a no-collision union of the circle but sized it to be really thin so it covers up the overlap.

Thank you for the help!

No worries, mark my post as a solution for people having this issue in the future! :slight_smile:

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For the unions that cause invisible walls you can fix it usually by clicking on the union in question, going to properties, scroll down and change the CollisionFidelity from “Default” to “PreciseConvexDecomposition”.

Remember that the reason for invisible walls in unions is for optimization and that changing this setting for large amounts of unions might cause performance issues but it shouldn’t be a big deal for a few.


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