Invisicam doesn't work in-game

in the StarterPlayer, you’re able to do things such as disable shift lock. but when i try to change the DevCameraOcclusionMode to “Invisicam”, it works, but only in studio. when i try to change this via a script, i get these errors:

  • "Insufficent permissions to set DevCameraOcclusionMode - Studio "
  • The current thread cannot set 'DevCameraOcclusionMode' (lacking capability RobloxScript)

i’m not sure why this happens.

videos showing the issue at hand:

in studio:

vs. in game:

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Are you setting it via a LocalScript or Server Script?

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i’m setting it in a LocalScript

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May you share the script with me so I can assess it?

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local services = {
	Players = game:GetService("Players");
	RunService = game:GetService("RunService");

local client = services.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
-- client.DevCameraOcclusionMode = Enum.DevCameraOcclusionMode.Invisicam

local camera_depth = 62
local height_offset = 2
local field_of_view = 15

function ray_plane(plane_point, plane_normal, origin, direction)
	return -((origin - plane_point):Dot(plane_normal)) / (direction:Dot(plane_normal))

function create_body_gyro(parent)
	local body_gyro ="BodyGyro")
	body_gyro.Parent = parent
	body_gyro.D = 40
	body_gyro.P = 10000
	body_gyro.MaxTorque =, 4000000, 4000000)
	print("gyro created, delicious!")
	return body_gyro

function setup_camera(character)
	local head = character:WaitForChild("Head")
	local root = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

	local plr_pos = root.Position + Vector3.yAxis * height_offset
	local cam_pos = plr_pos + * camera_depth
	camera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(cam_pos, plr_pos)

	return head

function update_body_gyro(body_gyro, head, target_cframe)
	if body_gyro then
		body_gyro.CFrame = body_gyro.CFrame:lerp(target_cframe, 0.15)

function setup()
	local character = client.Character or client.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local mouse = client:GetMouse()

	local ray = camera:ScreenPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
	local t = ray_plane(character.Head.Position,, 1, 0), ray.Origin, ray.Direction)
	local head = setup_camera(character)

	services.SoundService:SetListener(Enum.ListenerType.ObjectCFrame, head)
	local body_gyro = head:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyGyro") or create_body_gyro(head)
	local plane_intersection_point = (ray.Direction * t) + ray.Origin
	local target_cframe = CFrame.lookAt(head.Position, plane_intersection_point)
	update_body_gyro(body_gyro, head, target_cframe)

camera.FieldOfView = field_of_view
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

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After a quick read of the documentation for this mode, I stumbled upon this:
Defines how the default camera scripts handle objects between the camera and the camera subject. Set by StarterPlayer.DevCameraOcclusionMode and can’t be changed for individual players.

As it states, it cannot be changed for each individual player, which would be the most likely reason for this issue that is occurring for you.

Player | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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even after directly tampering with the StarterPlayer, it still will only work properly inside of studio.

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I’ll have a look into this right now!

I should give you a response soon.

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I’ve done some digging. From what I’ve seen the DevCameraOcclusionMode is only for Studio and does not work within the live game environment. From what I’ve read here it can only be changed from a plugin or the command execution bar built into studio.

I had asked ROBLOX’s AI Assistant for insight which they provided you can use other alternative methods such as:

Raycasting: You can use raycasting to detect if there are any objects obstructing the camera’s view. By casting a ray from the camera’s position towards the player’s character, you can check if the ray intersects with any objects. If it does, you can adjust the camera’s position or field of view to avoid the obstruction.

Custom Camera Scripts: Instead of relying on the default camera scripts provided by Roblox, you can create your own custom camera scripts. This gives you more control over the camera’s behavior and allows you to implement features like camera occlusion or visibility checks. You can find tutorials and resources online that can help you create custom camera scripts.

Camera Manipulation: Another approach is to manipulate the camera’s position or field of view based on the player’s actions or the game’s mechanics. For example, you can zoom in or out when the player enters certain areas or interacts with specific objects. This can help ensure that the camera provides a clear view of the gameplay without being obstructed.

Helpful Links:

Custom Camera Scripts

Camera Manipulation

Hope this has helped you!


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