IOA Valley (Showcase)

hey, im LightDev!
I created this a couple days ago and I want to know
your thoughts on it and if I can do better on it.:+1:


Where did you get the meshes and textures? If you got these from Quixel’s library, make sure you have the paid license. Using the free license, you aren’t allowed to use Quixel assets anywhere other than UE.


Quixel assets aren’t allowed on Roblox. So you didn’t make it.

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You have no proof that they got them from Quixel’s library. Do not assume he did; don’t plain out say he didn’t make it.

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Those are actual quixel assets from the Embankment and rock section using their textures and meshes. I’ve used quixel assets a few times before, so I know them when I see them

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I used Paid License… and yes I did create it. Just not the meshes and textures by epic
games. I created it using quixel megascans (I used paid version). Legally
this is allowed for paid license and I wanted to see what I could do.

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