IOPE Instructor Handbook


This Handbook is writtien for the Instructors of the Institution of Police Education from Ringwood.


Once it’s your turn to host an IOPE Class, You will alert the information of the class on the IOPE group shout, To start off, you shall said a 450 second countdown, and wait for candidates to pop in. If you get no more than 4 candidates, please cancel the training. After the 450 seconds, you are going to want to lock the server using the “:slock” admin command.

Beginning II

Once the server is locked, and once the candidates have gotten their uniforms, you will alert a global message with the following sentences. “Hello, IOPE Class [Number of Class]. I’m your Instructor, [Username], You will only address me by ‘Instructor’ and follow all the rules and expectations of this class, Am I clear”?

Once all the Candidates approve they are clear, you will start off with the basic Faces and Jumping Jacks by using ‘/e cheer’. You may pick how many jumping jacks your class has to do as long as it’s no more than 25.


When you and your class marches to the Classroom you test to see if they pay attention. Before they sit down, tell them to STAND behind their chair, before actually sitting down in it. Then you command when it’s time to sit down.

Classroom II

Once everyone sits down, you will go over; Lethal Force, Unlethal force, and the Use of Force Model, You should at least let this session run for more than 10 minutes. So, ask the class for questions, and keep them inspired! After the information and questions are over, give them a little Pop quiz, and see what they remember most.


When your hosting this class, make sure to stay STRICT, No, we do not want to be mean, but when yiur strict the canddiates actually LISTEN, and Pay attention.