Iphone 5 emulator resolution is too high for its size

Text is not legible.

Isn’t it just because you have “Scale to physical size” turned on and the emulated iPhone 5’s DPI would be much higher than your screen’s DPI?

Maybe @CycloneUprising can give a comment

That explains why the text in not legible but the gui’s size relative to the screen size is still too small.

I don’t have all the info I’d like on this. My 2 cents:

  • Relative scale should always be correct. Like what you see in emulator should be proportionally scaled version of what you see on device, no matter what.

  • If your scale is “Scale to Physical Size”, we are trying to match the actual size, in inches, of the screen, based on the (likely incorrect) guess that your screen is 110 DPI. Since most devices have a much higher DPI, that means you seeing fewer pixels. E.g. a letter ‘A’ that’s 0.1 inch on both the real device the emulator might get 20 pixels on real device and 10 pixels in the emulator.

When using Scale To Physical Size, your resolution may be off.

  • If your scale is “Actual Resolution”, we are using the number of pixels we’d use on the target device. Again, since device DPI is generally higher, that means the resulting image will be too big. E.g. a letter ‘A’ that’s 10 pixels on both devices might be 0.1 inch on device and 0.2 inches on emulator.

When using Actual Resolution’, your size may be off.

I understand all this. The problem is the resolution of the Iphone 5 emulation is 3-4 time higher than the Galaxy S7 emulation.

Yes. According to the data I have, our client runs at 1136x640 on iPhone5, and 640x360 on Samsung Galaxy S7.

If you believe that info is incorrect, please let me know.

We got that info by running this game on each device:

which should just be reading ScreenGui.AbsoluteSize() and writing that to screen.