iPhone App crashes if you refuse Local Network permissions

Reproduction Steps

Download the latest version of the Roblox app on iPhone

Disable Local Network permissions, the app will crash every time you try to open it

Device Type: iPhone 13
iOS Version: 15.5 (19F77)

Expected Behavior

I should be able to open the app and at least have it tells me it needs Local Network permissions (even though it doesn’t). This is common behaviour if you ban location access on a mapping program or image access on social media apps.

Actual Behavior

The app crashes. Every, single, time.

Issue Area: Mobile App
Issue Type: Crashing
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly

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Cannot replicate on latest iOS version, marking as fixed.

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Running iOS 16 Beta 4 on iPhone 13 and I cannot reproduce this issue.

Edit: seems like it was resolved by OP