IRF | Papers, Please! Game Rules and Community Standards

Papers, Please! Game Rules

These are the Game Rules for Papers, Please!. We expect our players to abide by these important rules and regulations or they may face temporary or permanent removal from our games for the protection of our Community

Our Moderation Staff

Game Moderation for our game is handled by Moderators who have an in-game nametag shown below. We also have other staff with Moderation Permissions and they will make themselves known as Moderators.


Rules and Regulations

Inappropriate Conduct and Behaviour

Players within our game should remain compliant with the ROBLOX Terms of Service and Community Standards.

We do not permit any abuse, disparaging remarks or character attacks within our game.

The IRF is an equal-opportunities and welcoming group, any discriminatory actions that hate on the basis of gender, gender identity, user expression, race, sexual orientation, language, nationality, disability, age or religion are not permitted within our game.


ROBLOX Terms of Service do not permit “bypassing” of the in-game chat filters or username filters. Where we find it appropriate we will levy moderation action however our routine course of reporting will be to send the incident to ROBLOX for their own evaluation. You may be removed for persistant bypassing.

We do not allow bypassed clothing or audio under any circumstances.

Exploiting and Glitching

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards exploiting and other forms of injection.

Glitching, including abusing game mechanics and taking advantage of unresolved bugs and issues with the Game, is not permitted.

Players within our game are protected by the FairPlay Anti-Cheat System. This system is certified by the Game’s Developers to provide an excellent amount of coverage to detect exploiting. If you are banned by this system it is unlikely we will unban you from the game.

Inappropriate Content and Child Protection

Our game has a zero-tolerance policy on “NSFW” and other forms of content that may harm minors or contravenes international/national regulations.

We do not allow the displaying of romantic relationships within our game. We do however permit users to share greetings with friends and others that may include hearts or things like “xx”.

“Doxxing” and the sharing of personal information is not permitted within our game.

Roleplay and Combat

Our game has an important focus on user-roleplay. We enforce requirements on any team except “Criminals” and “EZIC” to engage in good-quality roleplay that experiences your own experience and the experience and others. We do not permit:

  • Unfairly disturbing the roleplay actions and events of other users
  • Disturbing officially organized Community Events
  • Consistent “raiding” and combat activity on Civilian teams
  • Bullying or harassing individuals who are participating in roleplay activity

You must not kill people on the same teams or within the same allegiance as yourself. This includes with grenades and swords.

You must not kill or use a weapon whilst you have Forcefield Protection.

As an IRF Employee you must not kill people without cause or justification.

Abuse of the In-Game Admissions Booth and Gamepasses may result in your removal from our Game.

Spawnkilling and Unfair Advantage

Papers, Please! is not a Fairzone however we do not allow users to be camped or killed within their Spawn Areas. There are no defined limits for what counts as Spawnkilling however you should attempt to remain at a fair distance.


You must not interfere with the starting or ending of any Patrols or Group Events.

Voicechat and In-Game Communication

Our game is pleased to welcome users with Voicechat enabled and we are happy that our game inspires communication between players. We do however require that users with this functionality do not:

  • Play any form of audio that is obnoxiously loud or disruptive to player experience,
  • Utilise soundboards with inappropriate, vulgar or overly loud content
  • “Micspam” including the use of soundboards and other systems repetitively
  • Make any suggestive noises or actions within the voicechats
  • Harass, insult or abuse any other users or members of our Community
  • Copyrighted content may not be streamed

We do not tolerate the harassment of other users in Voicechat or Text Chat.

We do not permit chat-spamming/chat-flooding within our game.

General Conduct

Members of the Group Management and Community Safety Leadership may make additional rules and regulations that they see fit for the enforcement of community safety. Where possible we will aim to advertise these in-game.

Compliance with ROBLOX

We routinely share moderation incidents with ROBLOX to ensure that persistent offenders of Terms of Service may be dealt with on a platform-wide basis.

How we enforce our Game Rules

We make use of the following system for dealing with violations of our rules:

  • Warning from a Moderator
  • Changing of your in-game team
  • Server-Ban that is tied to that specific game server
  • Temporary Bans of 7 and 14 days that are game-wide
  • Permanent Bans that are game-wide

We maintain records of your Moderation History and we may impose a “stacked” punishment if you continue to violate our rules and regulations. This means persistent violations may result in a permanent ban.