Irish Armed Forces; Fort Killarney 21/06/2024 Update Logs

:pushpin:New Update!
With the successful BETA release yesterday, the development team have been hard at work ensuring that all arising bugs, errors and glitches are being fixed as soon as possible. A detailed list of the bug fixes will be provided below.

:hammer: Bug Fixes & Improvements;

  • :motor_boat: Your own personal yacht can be purchased at civilian spawn! Enjoy luxury on the water.
  • :bomb: Previously the C4 at the vault did not explode, and the Army Ranger Wing and Military Police were not notified when the vault was robbed. Both of these bugs have been fixed. Boom! Issues resolved for more enjoyable heists.
  • :gun: The gun shop at civilian spawn and the hidden sellers around the map have both been fixed, now allowing players to purchase weapons with in-game currency. Arm up and get ready!
  • :scroll: New logging system implemented for better tracking and monitoring of in-game arrests and admin commands. Stay informed with detailed logs.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: The user interface menus on the sidebar have been fixed. Smooth navigation for all players.
  • :man_standing: Gamepass characters at civilian spawn have been updated. New looks and features for premium players.
  • :man_detective: Special Investigations Division have been given a new spawn point. Ready for action in their own space.
  • :rotating_light: An AFK notifier and device notifier have been added to the overhead UI. Stay alert and in the know!
  • :tshirt: Recruit clothing has been updated. Fresh new uniforms for all recruits.

Check out the NEW Fort Killarney Military Academy now!