IRPCC Members' Handbook

What’s IRPCC?
IRPCC is an investigation department (NOT A ROBLOX OFFICIAL ASSOCIATION) and policing (typically mini modding) in games of Roblox.!/about


  • [Staffs/Officers in Academy] - Commonly referred as cadets, are new members undergoing courses

Enlisted staff

  • [Staff] - An enlisted staff that has completed basic recruit course and attended the passing out parade.

  • [Senior Staff] - An enlisted staff that has served for 4-6 months, has an excellence record or has solved 3-5 cases in their 4-6 months as a staff.

  • [Corporal] - A non-commissioned officer who finished NCO leadership program

  • [Sergeant] -

  • [Warrant officer] -

  • [Quartermaster] - A sergeant or warrant officer who is in charge of distributing uniforms to individuals with the right rank insignia


  • [Probationary Inspector] - A commissioned officer who has completed OCS and attended the passing out parade; they will be promoted to Inspector after 2-3 months of their trial as an inspector.

  • [Inspector] - A commissioned officer who has finished their trial and an official inspector.

  • [Senior Inspector] -

  • [Chief Inspector] -

  • [Superintendent] -

  • [Senior Superintendent] -


  • [Chief Superintendent] -
  • [Assistant of Chief Executive] - oscar04677(formerly)
  • [Vice Chief Executive] - Housterz
  • [Chief Executive] - hunggyEugene12342

Academy is open to new cadets who are applying for staff or inspector position of the IRPCC. Cadets have to enroll in a course that suit them.

What kind of courses are available for new cadets?
Basic recruit course - The recruit’s course teaches cadets how to march(drilling), investigate, solve complaints, shoot with a rifle and handle situations in games. This course can last up to 1-2 months and up to 2 hours per section.

Officers’ course (OCS) - The officer’s course is similar to the recruit’s course. But, they will be trained for an additional month to be a leader and a manager of the team.
OCS covers up the following: drilling, investigating, solving complaints, rifle shooting, handling situations, leading/managing a team/department/bureau/platoon as a commander

Non-commissioned officer’s leadership program -

Training can be hosted by a sergeant+, with the supervision of a senior inspector+.

Patrols can be hosted by a sergeant+, with the supervision of a senior inspector+; patrols can happen in anytime and at any games like Adopt Me!, Meepcity, Brookhaven RP, Roblox Small Island City…etc.


  1. Users must comply with the Roblox’s Term of Use, Community Rules and games’ rules .Especially wearing a uniform of IRPCC.
  2. Uniforms must be worn CORRECTLY in patrols and trainings
  3. Users can only present their weapons in these circumstances:
  • Player has a weapon/causes threats to other users
  1. Impersonating as a high rank is NOT allowed.
  2. Maturity is expected (Toxicity is not accepted).
  3. Corruption is not permitted in anywhere.
  4. Users are required not to be neutral while investigating a case
  5. If a staff has startled an unnecessary fight in any game, they are expected to use their personal identities to continue(the fight has no relations to the IRPCC)
  6. Users who power abused (reported by other players or spotted by another staff) will face internal investigation
  7. Users can be suspended in these circumstances:
  • Failed to comply rules
  • Power abused
  • Failed to be confronted by a corporal+ after breaking a rule
  • Ordered by a superintendent
  • Undergoing internal investigation by senior inspector+


  • Summer uniform
    Shirt: Short sleeved really black shirt with a yellow tie, orange epaulette and belt, colored lanyard (depends on ranks) and collar badges (Officers only).
    Pants: Grey pants with black shoes.

  • Winter uniform
    Shirt: Really black service jacket with 4 pockets, black double-claw belt and shoulder strap(Warrant officer+ only), rank badges on shoulders (officers)/side of the arms (enlisted staffs), colorful lanyard (depends on ranks), collar badges (Officers only) and [White shirt with tie]
    Pants: Black pants and [White shirt with tie]

Costs of each set of uniform: 10 robuxs

Created by: hunggyEugene12342, Chief Executive of IRPCC since 2014
Devforum handbook created on: 2021

Note: This handbook or guidebook is not finished yet