Irrational Community Guidelines

Irrational Community Guidelines

The following rules regulate behaviors in our game to promote and encourage a safe and healthy environment. The violation of these rules will result in a punishment respective to how many times you’ve committed the infraction.

By playing our game and interacting with our community, you agree to all subsequent punishments due to your actions and understand we are not responsible for any liabilities, damages, or losses resulting from your account being moderated on our game. You agree to have data submitted and collected to a DataStore for information regarding Moderation history and current moderations active on your account. This information is not sensitive and can be shared with external parties on a need-to-know basis. All active staff will have access to this information freely.


1. Do Not Exploit

Defined: Altering your client to gain an unfair advantage over other players or to abuse loopholes in the software. Any method or form of exploiting, affecting other players or not, will constitute a ban.


Termination or 365 Day Ban

2. Be Respectful

Treat everyone with kindness and civility. Do not harass, insult, demean, or be a jerk to other users.


Warning > 7 Day Ban > 30 Day Ban > 90 Day Ban

3. Respect Staff & Their Time

Staff members work on unpaid volunteer time. They withhold every right to kick you or ban you from their server if you’re impeding upon their work or for any other reason they find befitting. Wasting their time by submitting false reports will constitute higher punishment.


Non-Infraction: Kick or Serverban
Infraction: 7 Day Ban > 14 Day Ban > 30 Day Ban > 90 Day Ban

4. Refrain From Controversial Topics

Refrain from discussing topics that are controversial in any manner. Examples would include: religion or politics.


Warning > 7-Day Ban

5. No Self-Promotion

Promoting your group, game, or Roblox products is prohibited on our platform. Promoting external products or websites or otherwise encouraging users to go off-platform is a violation of Roblox ToS and our guidelines.


Self-Promotion for Roblox Related Items: Warning > 3 Day Ban > 7 Day Ban
Off-platform Items: 365-Day Ban or Termination

6. Do Not Exploit Glitches

Exploiting glitches in the game to break the game or gain a benefit over other players is prohibited. If you encounter such a glitch, report it to the development team. You may receive compensation for reporting the bug, though do not expect it.


7 Day Ban > 14 Day Ban > 30 Day Ban

Disclaimer: Staff may ban you for other reasons not listed here as they deem fit. So long as they can provide clear evidence that you have committed harm to the community in a manner not listed here, your ban will be sustained.

Ban Appeals

Ban Appeals

Ban appeals are conducted through our Discord server (which can be found in our social links on our game or group page). We have basic requirements for receiving an approved ban appeal. Failing to meet these guidelines will have your ban appeal auto-rejected.

Appeal Guidelines

  • You must have served at least 1 day of your ban to apply for a second chance appeal.
  • You are granted one second chance appeal ever.*
  • Your conduct must be professional and well-mannered.
  • Non-second chance appeals must have evidence to prove the ban itself is false.
  • Provide evidence and clear reasoning at the start of the ban appeal.

Your ban appeal being accepted is up to the staff member reviewing the ban. You may meet these requirements and still be declined if the staff member deems you to not be suited for receiving one.
* Not all infractions permit seconds chances. A second chance can be denied based on the infraction and the ban duration.

Repeated Infractions

Repeated Infractions

Repeated infractions carry with them elevated punishments. Warns and bans are kept on your record for a select period of time after their original expiration.

5 Warnings in 30 Day Period elevates to 14 Day Ban
5 Bans in a 60-Day Period elevates to Termination

Last updated:

Game Staff withhold the right to issue Serverbans and kicks as they deem fit. Game Staff are given full discretion in the decision of punishments issued to your account. Ban appeals can be utilized to negotiate bans, warns, and terminations issued to your account. Comments, questions, or concerns can be directed to our Community Staff.