Irregular Map Generation -- How Do I Make This?

Lets say this:

I’m trying to make a game that takes place in the wild. However, having the same map would eventually be somewhat repetitive, as the game is based on exploration.

Here’s an example of what I’m trying to achieve, except the map is randomized each game.

(the black lines are there as pieces, like puzzle pieces.)

The picture shows irregular generation.
→ like the river going through the plains, while curving left.

I don’t want generation where for instance, the river goes straight instead of it curving, like this:

The reason why I don’t this type of generation is because its sort of unrealistic – real world landforms don’t look like this geographically.

I’ve searched in other topics, but most of them generate the maps like the second example.

The some, which is Infinite Terrain Plugin, doesn’t work because its infinite, where players just run onto infinity (I want it to be finite), and it seems like you cant randomize the generation (with its seeds, etc.).

How would I be able to achieve this?
I don’t ask for an entire script, but just mainly the idea of it.

For the generation, I’d prefer using parts instead of the Terrain.

Typically you have the biome be a function of a height map and multiple other maps (such as a temperature and humidity). You generate the maps with perlin noise (with multiple sizes of noise maps added together for each).

This is how Minecraft used to generate biomes. You can read more details about that here:

I feel like with the parts being spawned using Perlin Noise, won’t this be not as performant?

Chunk loading could work, but based on the chunk system that other topics use, they delete their previous chunks (which generates a new chunks with new land when the player goes back to that chunk), which isn’t what I want.

A part is much much more performance intensive than getting a noise value.

Are you looking for a large map of fixed size? If so, the parts will cause more performance problems than getting noise values on the scale of the map.

What kind of map are you looking for? E.g. something voxel, triangle, or Roblox terrain based?

Probably triangles or terrain to make the map generation,
By fixed size, the map should expand until it reaches the border of the map for players (5000, 1, 5000). (I don’t have a good knowledge with fixed size, sorry if this isn’t what it meant)

Yeah that sounds like a fixed size map (i.e. it’s not infinite).

Triangles are a little more complicated because they aren’t just voxels, though you could simplify it by treating each vertex of a triangle like a voxel and doing an algorithm like the one above to create the height and biome.

I’ll try that out, and I’ll let you know if that works, I was gone majority of yesterday, sorry I couldn’t respond back.

I found this video from another post, with the same problem.

I’ll watch this video and see what this does.

I assume that voxels are blocks, like the blocks from minecraft like you sent –
Triangles are like the one from the video;
and Terrain is the roblox terrain.

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