I currently got 20k R$ in my group. is it enough to start a PvP Based game(Such as arsenal,ABA)? how much players can i get with 20k R$? Should i just make a PvE Based game instead(Such as blox fruits, simulators)?
It really depends. I think 20k is more then enough to hire scripters and builders as well as advertisements, etc. It would be great if you knew some skill like UI designing then you wouldn’t have to hire a UI designer and you could save some bucks.
If you want high high quality games then you have to be willing to pay around 100k to 1m as good developers cost a lot.
But all of that is just my opinion though.
yeah, im a solo dev, so i can do all of the stuff myself. the 20k is just for advertisements. my brother can do UI design, and i can do building,scripting, and modeling.
20k is good enough for advertisements, you could also sponsor your pvp game
This picture is how much robux you put in your sponsors. considering your 20k budget, youre likely gonna get players on your game.
Off topic question, how did you get 20k for your group?
It was all an accident lol. so on one day i got about 900 R$ on my account. then i decided to upload a shirt and pants on my account. and somehow that shirt and pants got lots of sales, i got about 8k R$ from that. which then i use to create a group. (most of it are used to buy gamepasses tho)
So out of curiosity i try searching the keyword. and what happens is my shirt ends up in the front page when searching the keyword.
then again im curious of what causes that. then i upload another pair of shirt and pants. and again! the same thing happens. it somehow ended up in the front page. but i still doesnt know why.
i think i accidentally broke the roblox search algorithm, if only i know what causes it. maybe it will apply to games also.
Lucky man, i created maybe 4 or more t shirts and put more than 100+ robux on advertising.
I only got 2 sales or none