Is 2.2 GB for my game's memory too large?

I have a game that I’m only about midway through finishing (Been working for a good few months on it). Overtime, I’ve noticed the memory size getting pretty large. What throws me is that the size is mostly my Scripts., not even the textures, models, or animations I’ve made in Blender. I’ve heard that game size and memory impact on the player is correlated. Do I need to stop working on my game and reconsider mechanics I’ve fleshed out for it to run on mobile?

Here is an image of the memory and a pic of my WIP place to get an idea of what I’m doing:
performance size

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this might be a problem for games that are also for mobile but for pc only games its less of an issue.
my game gets over 3 gb and still runs at a steady frame but its only for pc. its not just scripts that use memory its also any assets you have such as meshes or textures.

it just really depends on what kind of game your going for, if your trying to make it lightweight then try to optimize and bring the memory usage down, but if your aiming for higher end devices you can give yourself some extra memory space.

Well, I am specifically creating the game for mobile, though I am ensuring it works well for both. Or trying to. In your 3 gb game, are you unable to run it on mobile and is that primarily due to the size or other things such as high particle counts and VFX/ demanding textures/ high poly assets/ etc.?

my game uses a lot of custom keybinds which is the primary reason its not for mobile but the other reason is most certainly for performance as it contains a huge amount of meshes. I also just personally find mobile limiting for passion projects and I like to have more memory to work with.

Roblox studio uses more memory. Idk if this is tested on studio or not. But if you test in roblox player it should be less


I’d check the scripts for bad performance practices. These can include not disconnecting dormant connections, using depreciated scripting methods and not patching up script-caused memory leaks. Some common causes are using wait() instead of task.wait() or creating an instance with a parent parameter.

As for whether 2.2 gigs of memory is too large: like @mantorok4866 said, it depends on the device. An Android phone like a 2018 Samsung Galaxy J3 Orbit with only 2 gigs of memory would most likely crash once the scripts start running. If you could cut the script memory usage in half and have a custom rendering distance system for graphics then it should be playable on older devices like the J3 Orbit.

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