Is 2D Design a better option over 3D design on Logos, etc?

I’ve recently have watched a study video on Youtube, which talks about how more and more brands stick to 2D design over 3D design on their icons, etc.

What do you think about this? What do you think people are attracted to more?


As almost any company out there, including Roblox, a logo should be designed very simple. This makes the logo easy to look at and is in most cases also attractive to players.

3D can result in it being too much happening on the logo, which can make it hard to look at. Therefore, I would recommend using 2D instead of 3D to keep it as simple as possible. You could potentially create clipart representing your game or group.

Remember to keep it simple and you’ll be good to go! Hope this helped!


3D logos fell out of style, 2d is now used more often. You can see a helpful video here.

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It really depends on what you are looking to use it for. I tend to use 2D because its more of a modern style for what I need.

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That’s the exact video I was referring to! I really like how it explains how people favor for modernization within their everyday icons, etc.

Yeah, me as well! But, I also tend to see lot’s of people use a GFX as their logo. To be honest, I do see them use VERY appealing colors when they use a GFX for their icon/logo. So. this has made me figure that people who add in a GFX as their logo, probably 100% need to have the text over the GFX contain very appealing colors.

Another thing that I’ve seen is when you do tend to put a GFX, people (mostly younger users of the platform) get pulled in if they happen to have some type of GFX containing any sort of riches. Like for say. put someone with the “Prankster” face item, or a Dominus, or some type of item that’s well known in the community. I feel as this because, players that don’t have enough to afford those items get attracted to the icon, due to them thinking they; might get to meet such people, they might get the chance to wear that (by receiving some in game revenue to afford said items), and something else that attracts them.

But yeah, that’s what I think about 2D and 3D and GFX in groups.

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I’d say it’s dependent on what the logo’s for. As @maddog363 mentioned in a reply, 3D logos, especially GFX, can be appealing to the younger Roblox demographic. If it’s for a fun, silly game, I’d go for a GFX. But, if it’s for something like a game studio, I’d use a 2D design.

Of course, these are just my opinions. Good luck!

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I found this image, it gives a perfect example on what I’m talking about with the GFX.

This is entirely subjective. There are multiple approaches to logos and it depends more on what the logo is for. There is definitely an explanation for the clear differences in who uses 2D and 3D logos though.

Most popular games, such as HearthStone, League of Legends, and Borderlands 3 use phenomenally designed 3D logos. Seldom will you find games that use flat 2D logos (War Robots is an example). 3D logos are used to tell a story or give detail for the game, which entices the player or hint at what genre/what type of gameplay does this game have.

Brands tend to choose simplistic, clever, and cleaner designs to tell consumers that they get to the point, work efficiently, and are up-to-date. No brand wants to have outdated website UI or functions as it is a sign of weakness as time correlates with progress.

3D logos for brands grew out of fashion overtime. One company that heavily contributed to the shift was Apple’s iOS 7 update which changed all of the glossy, 3D designs of their apps to the clean, modern, 2D designs we see today. As technology shifts, in the mid 2000s, from telephones and televisions to smartphones and monitors, the idea of the future changed from 3D to 2D.

But what’s to come? As augmented reality and virtual reality become the next move of technology, 3D logos for brands may make a comeback. It is very possible that companies go back to 3D logos. We just have to wait and see.

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Ah, now I see! Certain brands use 2D or 3D logos based on their identity, I think is what you’re saying, correct? This has certainly put me in a bigger light on how I choose my icons and designs now! Thank you!

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Yes, I am late. But, in my opinion, this comes from a graphics designer field of view, I do both. Though, I think that people are drawn onto 3D icons more, because of the style, complexity, etc. Not everyone can pull off a good 3D icon, thumbnail, anything. It requires a plan before you make a 3D and a straight visual on how you want to make the icon. You must be familiar with 3D. 2D is easier though, I don’t see a problem on learning one or both.