Is 4,224 Triangle for a chair , Good or Bad?

So , Recently i made a curved chair and the triangle is over 4k.
I tried my best to optimised but it stays around 4k.
It was made using union and negate inside of Roblox Studio.

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 20.28.58

  • I want to know if that number is good or too much.
  • Is it ok for phones and laptops?
  • I will have 20 of these in 1 room.

Other Questions:

  • Whats the Max Triangle a game can handle?
  • Would it reduce triangle if i had made it in blender?

Its way too many triangles for such a simple model.


You could export it as an .obj and clean it up in Blender for far less tris. Solid modeling is just not as efficient as Blender IMO. If I had to guess, this model could be done in Blender for 100-400 tris. As another benefit, this would look real clean with smooth lighting!

Your game will easily handle 20x4k tris models but dedicating that much geometry to low-poly chairs is not in good practice. Since you already made the thing, you could benchmark how your game performs with these chairs vs a less detailed alternative.


So , it is bad. Well i ve been modelling mostly on Roblox and unfortunately when you union or negate anything complicated , the triangles start to increase drastically. Thus this just un-motivate me to continue making detailed models.

Well now i need to learn blender or i will never be able to improve with roblox modelling.


Use Blender for modeling objects this small and simple like chairs. You can easily lower triangle count in Blender and meshes are generally less laggy than unions I believe. I used to create complex models mostly using unions before I moved to Blender. Trust me, helps a ton.

TL;DR, just use Blender instead.


Yeah pretty much anything that cannot be made in 3 minutes should be made in blender.


some of these comments don’t even explain the nuances between blender and studio.

Yes, this is very high for a small model. You’re ideally looking between 100-500 for a complex chair. Because this is made in studio, it’s going to be higher as roblox doesn’t build blocks the same way blender does.

You could learn blender and make a chair that’s <1000 tris or less because of the topographical tools, otherwise, you’ll likely need to simplify your design more.

In the end, the performance impact won’t be noticiable to most users. Not everyone is using a potato from 2007 anymore. If you’re doing a single room with these, then likely, you’re fine.

Unions are also really unoptimized as a whole, even with the engine being reworked.

tl;dr from experience,

you’ll likely be fine but you could export it as a mesh (.OBJ) and import in blender and mess with the decimate modifier.


Sry for posting late but i just wanted to include this as an optimization for dummies post if anyone here has never touched blender or optimization in their life.

  1. export the model/union from Roblox as an obj
  2. pop it into blender (blender download you can find here
  3. after opening blender and importing that obj into it use the decimate modifier, low as you can but still looking the same
  4. export out of blender as obj
  5. you now got a chair/whatever you want with lower tris

Its worth noting that keeping this WILL affect performance, Roblox runs specifically on RAM and a majority of computers still run at about 4-8gb. There’s improvements, sure, but not to the degree that you think it is.

At the end of the day, you also have to remember that this chair is a singular asset that would be found in a room of many more unions, so much so that it could easily hit 500k tris in a single space. There’s a reason people highly discourage the use of unions within Roblox, sadly its just not plausible.

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