Is a bar-themed game breaking some TOS?

I’m making a game where there are 8 players fighting in a bar for no particular reason. It’s meant to be chaotic and an easy way to have some quick fun.

I’m basing it around the concept of a bar, however I don’t know if this theme would be against Roblox TOS?

I have drinks players can buy called “Power Drinks” and healing drinks, though I specifically made these relate to alcohol as little as possible. I named them “apple juice” “speedster” etc.

I’m not referring to any alcohol usage, though would the theme itself somehow indirectly relate to that rule?

I would think this is fine. There are other types of bars like smoothie bars too for example, so I think what you’re doing seems OK to me at least.

Oh, you mean a retro cafe? Mhm I see. (Don’t call it bar)


Don’t call it a bar, but what you’re doing seems fine to me. :smiley:

Thank you to everyone that replied!

Yes, now that I think of it @Megalodox_Official it is in fact a retro cafe!

Though I’ll probably call the game “wednesday night at joe’s” or something along the lines of that. (my game won’t fit the theme of a cafe)