Is a read-only console chat window ok?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Is it ok to create a custom chat window for console users that is read-only, e.g. they cannot send any type of message, but they can read what is happening with Roblox’s moderation in place.

  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    Roblox’s rules on this topic are a bit confusing for me, and other posts related to this are unsolved or outdated, so I’m really confused.

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    I thought of maybe having two separate chats: one for only console players, and the other default one for everybody else, but idk if that’s allowed either.

And just to clarify, the chat would use TextService:FilterStringAsync() to keep it moderated, but i still dont 100% know if Roblox would be ok with it. Thanks for the help!!


It’s a risk, one with fine lines and gray areas. Roblox is planning on adding chat to console “Late 2024” so it shouldn’t be long. I say wait instead of trying to implement your own, you could get a warning or ban.

It’s not in the TOS or rules, but Roblox staff have been on record stating to not have chat on console when PlayStation launched. With Roblox changing safety for chat, they don’t really want you forking chat either.

Here are sources:

  1. Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems

Alright tysm for the explaination!!

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