Is a Roblox - Discord Voice Chat against ToS?

Well, there goes the game idea then. Storing/asking for the discord id is a crucial part of the game. Without it, the game can’t detect the discord user.

Instead of that, you should make a discord bot that the user says on discord soee command and a username, and then when the user joins the game and says a 4 digit code said by the bot the account will be linked. Fairly easy with Datastores and Node.js

However, GDPR applies to everyone within Europe.

Also, a reminder that TheDevKing is in the star program and is therefore more than likely a ‘protected user’ which means that a higher up would need to be consulted if a moderator were to try to ban him.

Yeah, he recently made a video on a Roblox remake of Minecraft, which I’m pretty sure isn’t allowed due to copyright. Could be wrong though.

In the past he has also bought games which is against ToS, star creators and Roblox seem to have different rules.

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