Is adding gui elements via server side (NOT MANIPULATING THEM) a bad idea?

is there a topic like this? idk every topic about this i found was about manipulating playergui server side

right so, i want to have a “blindness” effect in my game, the way it would work is there would be some sort of frame that covers your whole screen

now, if i do it via remote events, exploiters can just remove the event listener and never be blind,

so i figured, why not add the blindness effect into the player’s gui each second, and destroy the previous one?

messy, but it would work right?

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I dont see why this would be bad, Im not entirely sure though

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it’s exploit-proof (almost…), but idk if it’s a good idea

I think a better way is to just send it once from the server, and listen for if the blur gets destroyed in the client, so you can just add a new one instead.
Just have two blurs and move them inbetween parents so you dont have to create so many and destroy so many

i’ll leave this post unsolved for now, see if anyone else has something to say

yes id like to hear what other ppl like to say too

No it wouldn’t. When you add things to replicated folders(such as PlayerGui) on the server side they replicate to the client(through an automated process). There are events such as ChildAdded and DescendantAdded that fire on the client side each time an instance gets replicated to it. An exploiter can just listen to one of those events, make some checks, and if the child happens to be this specific UI destroy it. Because the event fires exactly at the moment of replication, if the exploiters don’t yield their own code and destroy the instance right away, they will never be blinded.

Basically your change always reaches the client, but the client can automatically detect it and remove it right away through the use of exploits.

Btw the exploiter can simply say “No I didn’t destroy it” to the server. That’s why we use the phrase never trust the client.


my foolproof plan… is not as foolproof as i thought it is

you broke my heart with this

oh well, atleast i tried

Honestly I think that just calling a remote event to load the blur is fine
These hacks are just going to make your code messy while barely affecting exploiters

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