Is anybody having trouble loading certain webpages?

Several pages on the roblox website are not loading for me. I’m getting a ton of error reports stating my game is failing to save/load player data. Is anybody else experiencing issues?


I am having trouble as well.

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The following are happening for me:

  • DataStores in Ultimate Boxing aren’t working
  • I can’t load the templates in studio
  • I can’t publish games in studio under my name, but I can for Nexus Development
  • PointsService in Ultimate Boxing is working

We’re looking into it.


Phew, hopefully it gets fixed quick… Lots of players are gonna lose data in my game, it’s very unfortunate that players will be left with a bad impression of the game that they lose save data in and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Yup. Can’t go to Create page, or anything online in studio.

Recently Played, My Favorites, and Friend Activity are missing from the homepage, and I get a request error when I try to join a game. I also can’t upload images to the devforum. Sooooo… problem?
Also, do the circa-2013 BC ads have anything to do with it?
Update: I think the BC ads appear when there’s nothing in the user ads database to draw from.

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It seems like it’s everything that’s pulling from a database now.

Just started receiving these errors again, mainly when trying to reach the games page.
This also makes you unable to play paid access games, as it says something among the lines of
“Unable to verify that you have access to this game. Please try again later.”

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