Is anyone else also getting ridiculously low CTR in sponsors?

For example a good icon gives me about 4.0 CPC and my CTR barely reaches 0.3. anyone also having this issue even if the icon is good?

Sponsors haven’t been meta in terms of advertising your game for about a year since they changed how sponsor games show up. Ads will get more clicks and show up more on the website.

For a sponsor I believe 0.3% is actually very good (?)


@Ravenorr said that advertisements gets a higher amount of impressions on the platform, which is not true.
The difference is often in 4~6 digits.
Ads provides more space and a better placement but meaning that the price per view would be a lot higher than sponsored games, logical?

To clarify, when I mean show up more, I meant players will be able to view ads more easily compared to sponsors. I did not mean impressions, where sponsors will have more impressions.


I see, so the question is simple, would you rather have loads of impressions of a less descriptive image or very small amount of impressions with a bigger and more attractive image?
My opinion on sponsorships and advertisements. Sponsorships gets more players with a low budget but doesn’t work for advertising updates and events.

Interesting, back then a good CTR for sponsors was like a 0.80+, I remember even getting a 5 ctr.

Simply more competition over the years