July 21, 2022, 3:24pm
I’ve tried causing this to move
Here’s my print
It says “true” but it doesn’t give the error.
This is roblox’s code btw which is found here Character Pathfinding
(i feel like an engineer reporting failures to the head admins)
PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
path = PathfindingService:CreatePath() path:ComputeAsync(,0,10),,0,20)) print(path:GetWaypoints())
try run this on the command bar
This means that it didn’t have an error.
“Path not completed” means that the path was unable to compute. It’s likely you didn’t set your path up correctly. How is your path computed and set up?
July 21, 2022, 6:16pm
run it on the command bar
PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
path = PathfindingService:CreatePath() path:ComputeAsync(,0,10),,0,20)) print(path:GetWaypoints())
tell me
the results