Is anyone else struggling with the new Roblox Studio update?

Do you guys know the new roblox studio when you select a part? Sometimes studio is acting up and its not letting me click on an arrow in order to move a part. Im also having a hard time selecting multiple models when i hold left click and drag a box. Im literally losing my patience rn with this update. Is anyone else having the same issue?


(You should post this in the Discussion or Studio Features)
Yes I am trying to talk about this.
There are some other things too.

  • When I move a model it rotates automatically.
  • Anchored objects can’t be moved unless you un - anchore them.
  • Also the designs of the move tool has been changed.

your having this same issue? Im literally pissed off about this.


Yea you are right
The worst is the move tool.
I have to place them by typing the x, y, z.

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I posted it in studio features and i tagged you as well as proof.

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There would be times when the move button would work properly but then it starts to mess around with me and im literally triggered rn lol.

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im surprised no one has commented much about this issue yet. this does affect building in a BIG way

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Yeah, this update with moving constraints has been here for a few weeks or more now (maybe even months, I don’t remember), and it’s pretty annoying.

It works (for me at least) like this:
I’m not able to move something unless my camera is far away enough from it, it’s like some sort of constraint.

Also, very recently (at least for me), roblox changed the look of the nodes (I don’t even know why) and now the nodes for scaling and rotation are REALLY ugly and don’t really contrast themself from what you’re trying to edit like they used to. Idk how to explain it, but it’s harder to see/move the nodes, they’re really dark and ugly now.

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No, it has not been for “months” I have been building last week and this issue wasnt present during that time.

The issue presented itself around this week whenever roblox decided to update roblox studio.

Well, for me, I’ve had that weird constraint thing for months now. Not sure if it’s your same exact issue though.

My issue is that its hard to move parts. Try moving parts around in roblox studio. I believe your presenting a different problem and i havent been having problems with constraints. Roblox did this new feature where moving parts becomes more difficult

When I try to scale an object, it sometimes selects the object behind the scale arrow and moves it, it’s really annoying especially when I’m trying to put parts together


i cant even build properly right now until roblox fixes this madness :((((((


That will probably be because you had the beta feature on and OP didn’t.

Here’s the post about its release:

Ideally if you were having trouble with it back during the beta you would have actually posted bug reports about it so they could fix your issue before launching the feature properly.

Ever since a certain update, I have to click the arrow and then “Play” because if I just click “Play” it doesn’t run.

Haven’t got THAT issue, the only issue for me is the new rotate handles,they bug out every time!

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I use f3x so I’m not really getting tool bugs.

f3x is cool but with THAT rotate tool, you cant tell where its located, the handles stay in the same place!

Switch it to “Last” to see where the handles are.

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