Is "Because you liked *game xyz*" Recommended Section Gone?

On the games page there was a section at the bottom called “Because you liked game xyz” When you go to the games page it disappears after a split second. Are they removing it for good?

No Extensions

Turn off any extensions that you may be using, it’s still there.

Don’t have any.

What browser/OS are you using?

I still see it on Chrome/Win10.

It’s also missing for me on Chrome, Win10.

I was right about it showing up for a split second as the site loads as it’s in the HTML code.


Roblox.GamesPageContainerBehavior.isInHorizontalScrollMode() && (i.startIndex == 0 && i.numberOfGamesOnScreen < Roblox.GamesPageContainerBehavior.MinimumNumberOfGamesForPersonalizedByLikedToAppear && i.personalizedUniverseId != 0 ? $("#" + i.divId).hide() : /* other stuff that happens if there is enough games to display */

This is what’s hiding it, and it’s hiding it because there aren’t enough games to display.

It hides it after it loads the list of games for that sort, which must be returning none in your case.

The fact that there are games that have no recommendations when liked might be the underlying bug here. (If this is a bug at all)

Might I also point out to whoever sees this, that line should be using <= because having the minimum shouldn’t hide the container.