Is blocky style good for modern game?

Soo, i’m scripter and i wan’t to make a survival game, as a child i liked booga booga soo much, i’ve spent hours there, soo i decided to make a game inspired by booga booga, i saw many issues old game had and mostly that soyben was alone, but not about that, booga booga was soo popular game, and it has not that advanced graphics, simple roblox materials models that used few parts to create a tree or rock.

Soo my question is, is this like style is good? or not? many popular games such as build a boat or booga booga mentioned above had this blocky low detailed style, and they was very popular, soo is it good to stick to that style? or people don’t like it anymore?

for those who don’t know, this is image from booga booga, it shows how resources was made:

Note: i’m only asking if styles like this are nice or it’s only past and it’s not worth looking and
if interesting game can use it to become good

  • Don’t use this style
  • Use this style

0 voters


I’d say it’s up to you on whatever the style you use.
It only matters when you seek an expected type of audience.


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