December 8, 2022, 9:11am
Hey, I am currently making a game with a friend of mine and I was wondering if this unrealistic blood is allowed in the game
and if i could have like a dummy character covered with blood
Aswell as a blood path
and these will be scattered around
The answer is probably yes, but everyone knows the roblox moderation is annoying so I would like to see what the community says
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I am working on a hospital game. So far it has iv bags and I was working on a Syringe with blood in it for roleplay. The decal for it got removed and same for the vaccine decal i made. Brookhaven has syringes with undefined substances. Am i just supposed to call it Ketchup Syringe or what? In the TOS it says syringes arent allowed but brookhaven has them so im confused. If anyone has any idea about this let me know. Not sure if I put this in the right area of the forum. Thanks for any help!
As for your quesiton on blood, you can have blood in your game just as long as it’s not realistic depictions of blood (seems like realistic blood visuals is a big problem emphasised on the terms of service. From my experience the best way to entirely avoid the blood barriers is to avoid using realistic blood pictures/visuals and just go with the classical red blocks/spheres.)
TL:DR: Yeah, just don’t go overboard.
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December 22, 2022, 2:11pm
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