Is Bubble Chat on a part possible?

The topic title explains itself; Is it possible to have bubble chats appear above a part? I’ve searched this answer up on the web and it turned out to have been not possible. However, the source was posted 6 years ago and has not been updated or talked about since.

Why am I asking?
To begin with, the growing popularity of Roblox States has had a fair share of their ups and downs of its success. For most, the reason for a state’s downfall is that most failed states aren’t really comparable to the rest of the popular states. They often copy or have the same functions as the rest, hence making themselves unable to stand apart. These Roblox states are usually filled with made-up lego department agencies that oversee the state. These departments are well equipped with technologies that are usually set up the same. The radio is perhaps by far the most consistent with all the states, having being only the GUI has the single form of communication with other departments.

What am I asking for?
I’d like to change the boring GUI with a radio that hooks on the player’s belt and actually speaks a message based on what another player has communicated. It would look something like this:

Link to the said source


Yes, this is possible, use the Chat service:

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
Chat:Chat(workspace.Part, "My cool message", Enum.ChatColor.White)



Instead of a certain message within the script, will it be possible for someone within the server to say something and appear both on the player and on top of the radio?

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Yes, you can also use the chat function on a character. Check the documentation for more info:

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Yes you check the message the player said and put it as the message for the radio.

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where would I put this script?

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I thought you would already have a system in place for it, you would have to develop the system you were talking about and incorporate the Chat function.

I do not as of right now unfortunately. I would love to test out and mess around the script that you had made. I’m not exactly sure how you did what you showed.

Oh, you just reference your part and use that chat function. Here’s a placefile on it:
PartChat.rbxl (35.3 KB)

Also, you should set one of the posts as your solution so more people don’t reply.