Is cframing a Part given ANY parent's Model orientation possible?

A Part needs to be cframed to a new position and orientation from the script. This Part is parented to a Model. Model may have its pivot offset and orientation either matching or not matching the desired result.
Is it possible to achieve cframing the Part correctly if its orientation indicator cannot be matched to the desired result? Is parenting the Part to a Model and changing its pivot orientation the ONLY way to achieve correct cframing?
Question rephrased: is there a way to make Model:SetPivot() method IGNORE the orientation indicator and pivot offset of a given set of Parts and align them all to the desired look vector?

Yeah you can. You make it sound complicated but you can set the models primarypart to that part then use PivotTo() to align the parts and move them

no, not really
i need to align Parts which are already parented to a given Model, and i need them to align SEPARATELY each to its own orientation vector; that is the difficult part of the question

yeah thats difficult but you probably should have parts in a folder rather than a model to align them in their own orientation vector.

U could orient each child of the model to the specified orientation u want

In the end, I decide that the most working solution is to put each Part into its own Model and setup orientation manually (or by setting PrimaryPart to a special dummy object). The goal of the script is to transform the bottom block into the top one, for ANY size given.