Is :Chat() not working because of a windows 10 edition bug?

Noticed the other day :Chat() stopped working (at least on the client) on Windows 10 edition of Roblox. I’m wondering if this is an issue with my version of the Roblox windows 10 edition or everyone using it.

Click here for the place (uncopylocked)

If anyone with the Windows 10 edition of Roblox (from the windows store) could test this out (clicking the button) that would be really helpful to know whether or not it’s just me or not.

The problem is that the chat bubbles don’t appear on Windows 10 windows store edition clients.

Works fine for me:

Would be more helpful if you attach a video! The local script in ReplicatedFirst doesn’t seem to affect the Chat,

Doesn’t look like you’re using the windows store edition.


The red one? Let me test!

Really interesting!

Try removing the LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst and try again.

The LocalScript in ReplicatedFirst simply disables the default chat bar. The intended usage here is for a custom chat. Regardless however, even if disabled, the issue persists)

Saw that. I don’t know what’s happening there. However, I have a theory:
Both versions have different outputs.

Which seem to not be the exact same version. Probably this is an on going bug with the upcoming VoiceChatService, but I don’t know. Contact @Bug-Support or Roblox Support.