Is childrens death allowed?

I’m trying to replicate a game similar to “This War of Mine” and in the game you have family member or can come across family members that have children. And of course in a game about survival the children can die, so what my question is, am I allowed to have the death of children in my game?

typing this out really makes me feel insane.
Note: please don’t take this personally in any way, its just a game design question.


Yes, children can die.
They can die from an earthquake, a gunshot, a flying pig…
However, that might make your game 13+ Rated.


This War Of Mine is rated 18+, which means it is for Adults Only. I personally have played it before and it is an EXTREMELY depressing game. Unless you can somehow make it suitable for lower ages, I do not think you should replicate This War Of Mine on Roblox.

As for Death of Children, I do not suggest you include this. Many games do not include children’s death. This War Of Mine do not allow children to die; Skyrim does not allow children to die; many other games do not even include children. Even those these games may not be suitable for teens and below, I strongly suggest you do NOT add Children Death to your game.

FYI I have personally NEVER seen any game include children dying.

A simple google search may provide you enough information to NOT include children death in your game. (It is pretty much close to illegal; it’s sort of a taboo; no one adds this; you will get extremely negative comments)

Probably, but just remember that this will affect the game’s rating and will prevent it from having a wider appeal.


According to the Roblox Terms of Service it should be perfectly allowed for children specifically to die, though this may make your games in-game rating 13+.

As long as the experience follows the following regulations, you’ll be completely fine. Unfortunately there’s no way to ask questions about the terms of service directly from Roblox, so you need to do your own research the best of your abilities.

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If you really want to include children in your This War Of Mine replica, do one of the following:

  1. Don’t allow them to die (make them run away like in This War aid Mine)

  2. Just don’t add children dying to the game.

Games, and I mean actual video games (I consider Roblox games not exactly a ‘video game’) such as Skyrim do not allow Children to die in the game specifically. This War Of Mine makes children ‘run away’ instead of dying. If you do a google search, you won’t find any games except for a few that include children death.

Ever wandered why children do not exist in GTA? They don’t add children so they cannot be killed.

18+ games don’t even add children death. Why should roblox, a platform made for ALL ages, allow it?

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If NPC children die that’s more violent than players being the children. Since it’s more planned.

GTA have scenes like a man being a radically racist murder against black peoples, so if a game like this didn’t add children deaths, you shouldn’t either.

I’m just saying, you shouldn’t include children dying in your game. Many games do not, you shouldn’t either.