Is Datastore2 still good to use or go with Datastore?

Should I script my own datastore or use datastore2? I don’t really feel like want to use Datastore2 because last time it was updated on 2021.

Unless that it is still working with no problems then I could go ahead with it Ig?

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Datastore2 is one of the many many helper modules that do the heavy work for you. Each has a different implementation and is aimed at different categories, some prefer speed, some prefer ease of use. If you have a weak understanding of how datastores work, you should consider using one of these modules.

If you feel like you have the power to, scripting your own datastore system is absolutely fine, just be aware of issues you’ll need to take into account such as the quotas, overwrites from different servers at the same time, and potential data saving failures. I made my own basic datastore system for my own game to avoid using third-party code and I’m satisfied with it.

Also, the year of release shouldn’t really matter unless the module uses some dangerous or deprecated functions, which I’m not sure if it does or not.


Uh that is the whole thing roblox keeps deprecating lots of thing annually or even create new good alternatives like




So I am wondering if its still up to date

wait() is far more better than task.wait(), (real)

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I am not sure how but in both cases wait() is deprecated, so…

wait() is not deprecated (as far as I know), I’ve been using it for the past 3 years and I still use it today without any problems.
I only recently found out about task.wait(), and while it is a thousand times better than wait(), I’m not used to such changes and I can’t rewrite all of my code to use the new function, and I’m sure many other developers can relate here.

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Well the topic is not about wait() vs task.wait(). And I can’t relate to that.
I always used wait() without knowing that task.wait() was added, and took me idk, a couple of months until noticing it existed… :roll_eyes:

Once I discovered it, I just changed all my work to use task.wait() and took me little time for that, hundreds of scripts in minutes, you know Control + Shift + F and replace all words wait for task.wait automatically on all scripts inside a project with only one click.

I hardly think it will become depracated soon, but, depracated or not its better to change it to task.wait() specially if the effort to change it is tiny.

Thats a great reply, it should be the solution!

I love to see this kind of replies. For learning and be self-sufficient, do it yourself its the answer. :+1:

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Unless you have a good reason to use DataStore2, most of the redundancy it provided is now available in the base DataStore service through methods such as UpdateAsync, IncrementAsync, etc.

Additionally, DataStore2’s tendency to spam DataStore requests if one fails can actually cause more problems than it solves in many cases.

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