Is discouraging smoking allowed?

Hello everyone,

Simple question this time, I’m recording a safety audio for an airline. Since most safety audios include a section where it talks about how smoking is prohibited on flights, as well as tampering with or destroying the smoke detectors in the lavatories. Since ROBLOX does not allow smoking, alcohol, drunkenness, etc., I was wondering if discouraging smoking would be allowed, as I don’t want this audio to get censored.

The specific script is: “Smoking is strictly prohibited on this flight. This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and cigars. Tampering with or destroying the smoke detectors in the lavatories is forbidden by law.”

Does anyone have an answer to my question? Anything’s appreciated!


“We prohibit users from discussing-” Even mentioning it isn’t allowed, unless it’s a 17+ game. You just won’t get to include it sadly


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