Is Folder making lag? [asking]


I am buildings map but I discovered before that the Folder is bad to put the model inside it or the entire map because it causes a big and noticeable lag.

I noticed that many people use the Folder for the map. Does it really cause lag?

I just want to know if it causes lag or not because I am afraid that I will put the entire map inside the folder and discover that it causes pressure

Kinda? If you have like 50 folders in a ton of folders in one folder on literally the entire map then going through it in the explorer would cause the lag

Using folders is fine but dont have folders for every little thing, just have a misc folder or something


putting things in folders donm’t lag, but going through epxlorer it might cuz a lots isntances

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There is no lag when organizing with folders on Roblox Player.

If you have thousands of instances inside the folder and open it in workspace then that would cause your studio to lag.

There is differences in organizing; Folders vs Models

Whenever you group a large amount of instances as a model the Roblox LOD system affects it. Folders do not affect LODs on instances.

So the cause for lag are models not folders.

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