Simple question, read the title. Can we allow gambling (e.g. casino style gambling) as long as they don’t involve paid currency or Robux, and is there a specific content rating that allows for such?
No, any casino-related games are prohibited, even for in-game items
You can depict it but making it playable is where the line is crossed
Even if the game is rated 17+?
Also, the snippet you sent prohibits paid items, “of value”.
here are my sources:
From what I see, gambling is not mentioned in Restricted Policy (17+) at all, although from what I understand from what is mentioned, is that the restricted policy is permissive, so if it is not mentioned there it probably cannot be inferred if it’s allowed.
As per regular standards, however, “items of value” is a bit vague but if you’re able to gamble with it, it probably has value, considering gambling is trading one thing for the chance of value (a reward). It’s best not to dance around the terms as it could lead to a waste of effort or moderation action. Regardless of that nuance, the wording:
we prohibit both simulated and actual gambling activities on the platform
is the only thing we can go off of directly.
Just my thoughts, but I’d argue to avoid it. Others can of course weigh in as well.