Is hosting/marketing Charities against ToS?

Our team plans to host an event where all the robux donated in the game will be converted to USD after the event & donated to a certain charity. Our concern is this might be against some sort of ToS. We wish to market it in game which is where we think we might be in trouble. I’m not sure what all we can or can’t do.

Our full idea:
Host a 48hr event where all robux donated towards the charity will be tracked & shown publicly. At the end of the event said amount will be converted & donated to a charity.

I understand your good intentions, but I’m sorry, this is not permitted in Roblox.

(Roblox Community Standards - Integrity - Roblox Economy)

The issue is the lack of transparency, even if the donors trust the developers. However, it is not against the rules to announce that you donated some of your earnings to a charitable cause, that were collected from the players enjoying the game.

This is not a legal advice. It seems worth pointing out that announcing your team donated some of the earnings (made from play-time), could potentially encourage some players to buy your game passes/products, in spite of no claims that the sails will be directed toward a cause, no transactions associated with any crowdfunding campaign.

You can probably think of it like this: Donate your own money earned from your game, and don’t solicit donations with any charitable cause claims. Don’t claim a portion of earned money will be donated. I don’t see a reason not to be able to announce that your team made a donation, so long as players are not made to believe it’s a pattern and that they will contribute to the cause by donating themselves.


That clears up a lot of my questions, thank you very much!

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