Is it a good idea to make a gui based game system script to be on a localscript?

So I made a whole combat relocation system with UI, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to leave this important part of the gameplay vulnerable by putting it all on a localscript. Is it recommended to put all core- gameplay scripts on a server script? Should I refrain from using the localscript for this system?

It would work, but in order to access DataStores, you have to connect the client with the server with RemoteEvents. Using entirely LocalScripts could also be risky because people can easily exploit the game.

Most games, meaning ones not on Roblox, are rooted in the client-side. It’s not bad game design to host the majority of the code on the clientside, it’s just that with the way Roblox functions and all most developers prefer not to put too much on the client (and can’t if an API isn’t usable on the client).

Since you’re making a “Gui-based experience”, most of the work performed here is going to be client-side. Your server should be handling critical resolutions (validation, data stores, server-only API) while the client controls the actual gameplay. You will have to trust the client for the most part here.