I apologize if this is in the wrong place. I couldnt think of where to put it. But my main question is if it is against roblox’s TOS to track a players region code into an external database such as airtable in order to see what percentage of my player base is from a certain region so I can see what languages I need to support the most? I dont see why it would be since they clearly give us the tools to find out the region code with functions such as GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync?
It is subjective to the Privacy Policy:
From what I’ve read in Roblox’s Privacy Policy, it’s allowed. It says this under Section 8, Information Sharing:
The developers of the games you access will be provided your username and the regional location you are based in. The information shall enable the developers to determine their player base, so they can adjust their games to the legal requirements of the respective regional location. We offer developers a tool which allows them to review the regional location of origin of players who play their games. For this purpose, we will determine the user’s regional location of access to the Roblox website based on the IP address. We will not share your IP address with the developers.
I am not an expert on this stuff, not even close, but I think it could be allowed as long as you state what you’re doing and make sure you’re only storing the region info, not anything that could be traced back to the player.
Example: Player1 has the region code US, make sure you only store “US” and not the player’s name, id, or anything else that could be used to identify the player.
Yet again, I’m no expert so don’t take this advice seriously; but I think it’d be allowed under those circumstances. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong as I’m always open to learning new things.
Just to touch on this: you are required to know a player’s region for the sake of global compliance (e.g. restricting certain features as dictated by a player’s policy information). That’s the main reason why you’re provided a way to check the region a player is in.
Not so sure about statistics and storage of that information externally though.