Is it allowed to advertise twitch streamers in your game

I have a couple of twitch streamers I have good relationships with that play my game on stream sometimes (I haven’t released the game yet but they are helping spread word) so I made a list of their roblox user ids and everytime they join the game there is a little twitch logo above their head, I will probably do the same with youtubers soon.

I had another idea to make a screen in my lobby displaying “Top content creators” and would show all of the twitch streamers that stream my game. I think this is a really good idea because it will incentivize my current streamers to advertise my game more because if the game blows up everyone that plays will see their twitch name on a list of top content creators.

It will also give motivation to other content creators to try and get on this list so that their name can be seen by more people. Anyways is this allowed? I feel like with how roblox moderation has been lately this will be considered inappropriate for some reason. Is there anything in the TOS that states that I am not allowed to do something like this.

This is what the Roblox community guidelines provides when it comes to external links:

“Directing Users Off-Platform”

You must also incorporate the Policy API: PolicyService | Roblox Creator Documentation

However, I am not Roblox staff, so if you want the safest answer possible then I advise contacting them.

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As long as it isn’t forced down the player’s throat and doesn’t disturb (affect gameplay) I don’t think there is much of a problem.

And also as @LoveliestJacob said, don’t involve any links and maybe avoid using the twitch logo or the word twitch and just use “content creator” or “streamers” and a default streamer icon.

I’ve seen in other games that streamers have pointers when they join but then again I would advise against this entirely to prevent stream sniping.

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I added a leaderboard that says top content creators with a logo next to their based on their platform. So if they are a youtuber a youtube logo, and a twitch streamer a twitch logo. Also in game they have the same logo floating over their head, however there are no links at all, on the leaderboard it just says their name and like you said it really doesn’t affect gameplay at all.