Hey there, I was planning recently on making a game about casino and wanted to ask if it is allowed to make one on Roblox, since I can’t understand if I am right to do so
And no, you can’t gamble neither real money nor Robux, it’s just to make a fun game on winning in-game cash
Here my questions:
Is it allowed to create casino games on Roblox?
If it isn’t then how to make a prototype or a similar thing, but in a safe way?
How to monetize it properly to make it worth playing?
Here is a couple of quotes directly from the terms of use:
Do not implement any gambling or casino style games that involve real money in any way. This includes Robux, as Robux can be purchased for real money. Games should also be fair and not be skewed in the developer’s favor.
Dangerous, unethical and illegal activities. Not only do we not allow these activities, we do not allow anyone discussing them or encouraging others to discuss (or take) such actions, including:
Gambling with Robux or real money
From what I can see from both of these, it says you can’t make any gambling games that involves Robux. Maybe you could make a casino game that doesn’t involve paying with robux in any way. However, just to be on the safe side I wouldn’t make a casino game.
To answer your question you can make a gambling game but its in a grey area. I would not recommend you make one as its encouraging kids to gamble at a young age, even if they can’t do it with real money.
The closest you could get to gambling is what they do in The Plaza where they give you a currency where you can gain more currency from winning slot machines etc.
Honestly theres no real way to monetise it. Selling the currency could be considered as gambling with ROBUX. Perhaps you could add a VIP room and tools.
As I have said above though, it would be much safer and much more professional of you to make a game that doesn’t encourage gambling. However it is possible to do provided there is absolutely no way they are spending any real money on the gambling itself.
They are not real these robux slots, only that there are Coins that you can be cheating for, only rated to play 13+ to play the casino rules
Do not cheating
Do not scam Robux
casinos cannot be banned, nor inappropriate, nor scam, not even roblox makes sense.
only you can make Illegal to do without cheating, without robux casino, robux casinos does not work
While I think it would be within the boundaries of the ToS to create a casino game, you could not profit from it, because gambling has to be done with a non-purchasable currency. If you can get better odds or more coins to gamble with Robux, it is not allowed.
I can’t imagine that would be against the rules since players themselves won’t be gambling.
At least from the ToS clippings posted above, it looks like gambling itself is clearly fine as long as Robux isn’t involved with the in-game currency used to gamble. (at least as of a year ago lol)
Do you think it would be within ToS if you could spend that in-game currency for items and buy items for Robux and sell those items for in-game currency?