Is it allowed to gather data about who played your game?

(Probably wrong category, if you can - say me correct one)

Hello. I’m trying to make some games in ROBLOX.
RN I have 4 games, And when I looked on one of my games page, I was shoked - 105 visits on slightly bugged game. (Yes, this was shock for me xd).
But I want know - is this visits from my friends, or someone somehow fond it using roblox search system? Can I use DataStore to get Players, which joined my game at least once, or it’s illegal?

There are no issues with collecting this data, although I’d advise you have a memorable key for each player (such as their UserId), as individuals can request (via roblox support) to have all information kept about them removed. In that case, roblox will inform you to remove any data you have saved about them, however irrelevant or minute you may deem this to be, it must all be removed.

Also, you can get this kind of information from the Development Statistics page of your game.

There is no rules against it however if you get a request to remove data for someone you MUST do it