Is it allowed to make a gambling game on Roblox?

I have thought of making a gambling game (with fake money of course, like ones you see on leaderboards) but I want to know if it is allowed or not? Is it allowed to implement such features as bingo and lottery tickets? Of course it will be age rated so 7 year olds can’t join the game.


For the lottery tickets, I don’t think that’s allowed, since it definitely counts as gambling as it involves chances. Roblox only allows unplayable gambling content to be in-game.

As for bingo, considering that there are some very popular bingo games on Roblox, I suppose bingo is considered “okay” content by Roblox, since the bingo game is counted as harmless fun and not “legal gambling”, if bingo was in real life.


Is the game going to be for 17+ only? because if not, no.

No, Roblox prohibits gambling. But some people do it anyway smh.

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