Is it allowed to write this?

Sorry if wrong category, but… is it allowed to write in the game description:
“Follow the owner for a 2x cash boost” ???


I don’t think it’s allowed, but I’m not sure. Even if it’s technically allowed, it’s most likely going to be frowned upon by your players. Just make a gamepass for that, or asking to join your group for it instead.


this would look like a scam, just write “Join my group for a 2x cash boost.” or “Buy the 2x cash boost gamepass for best cash grabbing.”, sorry but if i have any mistakes in english just tell me because i’m a 90% english robloxian, i’m good at spanish too.

is it allowed to write “follow the creator to stay up to date” ?

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It is not against Roblox’s rules to include a statement in your game description encouraging players to join your group for a bonus in-game benefit. However, it is important to note that you should not offer any in-game benefits that can only be obtained through real money transactions, as this violates Roblox’s terms of service. Additionally, you should make sure that any in-game benefits offered for joining your group are not excessively unbalanced or give players an unfair advantage over others. Overall, it is important to follow Roblox’s guidelines and policies when promoting your game and offering in-game benefits to players.

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I’d recommend making them join a group instead of following the owner.

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thats the solution!

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