Is it best to put your prices for game passes, developer products high or low?

I think my developer and game passes are too low or it is best for your game passes to be so more people buy it. I have an unlimited cash game pass and it for sale for 300 robux, is that way too cheap
ghjmnbvfghj Also how is the gui.

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Yeah, I would consider this too cheap for sure. If $12500 isn’t a whole lot of money for your game, that is, compared to end game money, I would increase the quantity variety of your dev products.

This lets you have more variety in your price points as well.

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Thank you for your advice (: (: (:

Also, I probably wouldn’t ever sell infinite of anything. It just ruins gameplay immediately, which means no more additional purchases.

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Yh that makes sense thx (: (: (:

I think the prices are too low, you should price them depending on how hard it is to gain money, if values like that are very easy to obtain, you could keep them. And as KeysOfFate said, you shouldn’t add Infinite Money because it’d just ruin the entire gameplay and later you could just buy everything with no problem, ruining the entire gameplay.
In conclusion, you should change the value depending on the difficulty of gaining coins.
Sorry if you don’t understand very well, my main language is spanish.

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Thank you, Btw you are very good at English that was perfect

I do think it is a bit too cheap. But it all comes to playability and how important and difficult it is to earn money.
If it takes an hour to earn 1000 money, they you would want players to spend a bit more than 10 ROBUX on saving them that hour of playing time. But if it takes them 5 minutes to earn the 12500 money, 100 ROBUX might be a bit too much.
About the GUI appearance, I find it acceptable. The cyan color might not look the best. The coin images might also look better if they were similar between them.

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NOTE- These are my self-opinion
I would say if you go for higher Robux prices the chances of a user buying it would be affected by various factors.
:star:How popular your game is?
:star:How good your game will be in a period of 5 months or more?
:star:Does the player have a sufficient budget to go for an expensive gamepass?
:star:An player thought about how well he or she can efficiently use the gamepass to climb higher than other players and gain fame doing so?
:star:Does the player have a minimum or a major difference buying the gamepass and playing the game?
:star:How well the game has performed from the launch
:star:Like:Dislikes Ratio: A game will higher likes ratio will have a higher probability of a players buying the gamepass compared to a game with lower Likes ratio
:star:The amount of daily players count - If a daily player count is decreasing then the player would me more likely not to buy the gamepasses this can be the other way if the player count is increasing
:star:Cost- Higher costs means lower sales/ Lower costs means higher sales- NOTE THIS DEPENDS on VARIOUS FACTORS

Feel free to message about new innovative ideas that will boost his gamepass sales

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