Is it better or worse to have two separate VIPs?

When selling a VIP game pass, would I make more revenue if I had a normal VIP and then a more expensive Ultra VIP, or would that make the cheaper one get less sales and also take away from the better VIPs sales

OR would it be smarter to simply have one rounded out slightly higher up VIP that replaces the two, making both parties buy it

I believe that it really depends on the the value of the GamePasses. By this, I mean the amount of benefits you are getting by purchasing a GamePass for a certain amount.

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It really depends on how you handle it too. A lot of games make the lesser gamepasses give you lesser rewards, but still exclusive and stack-able with the more expensive game passes.
Say +5% currency and +15%, if you buy both you get +20%. Things like that. It will encourage those that can afford both to buy both.


A good option is making a very affordable VIP gamepass, a fairly expensive medium VIP, and finally an ultra VIP that’s just a bit more than the medium. Movie theaters use this trick to get people to buy a large popcorn instead of the other sizes, if the best option is just a bit more than the middle option, why not get the best

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