Is it better practice if I declare variable types?

Most programming languages have a way to declare variables in order to save computing resources and work faster.

For example, in C++, you have to declare the type of a variable first.

int variable = 10;
string coolText = "Not really cool text";

I’m just wondering, should I do the same in Roblox? Like, if I have a boolean value, should I do local variable : boolean = true?

Or if I have a model variable, should I do local modelVariable : Model = pathToModel?

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Just do variable = true
model = workspace.Model

None of that CLASS : stuff

Yea, but I’m just wondering if declaring the data types will be more efficient, even if it’s by a miniscule amount.

You can if you want to, however it’s not a requirement. The main usage for the syntax is for type analysis rather than performance

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Makes sense, I’ve been using it to access properties of parameters so I was wondering if it would be better if I always used that. Thanks!

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