Is it better to use unions for props?

Is it better to use unions when you are making props that have a large part count? For example, I made a fire hydrant prop, normally without a union this would have 25 parts, which can increase total part-count by a lot when copied and pasted everywhere. But if you just union the whole thing, would it be more performant?

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I can write an essay on how unions are bad. Not really but no. Use meshes. Roblox unions use quite poor and useless triangles that won’t ever get rendered but yet they do get rendered which is bad for performance. You’re better of using blender.


Agree with the other person that you’re better off using blender but if you prefer to build in studio, you could export your models to blender and then delete the useless parts of the model so it’s one more performant mesh

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Unions are still going to be better then they were take 2 years ago. But still have so many bugs, That prop showcased looks pretty possible without using unions, but you could probably import one of your builds into blender and add a detail you would normally need to use a union to do in there with less risk factor. Meshes are probably the safest option for props, plus unions aren’t the best quality for a bigger object.

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