Is it easier to script with R15?

Hey! I am considering if I should make my game R15 or R6.
My game is a Starwars game and I have morphs that are meant to be for R15 due to their animations.
I’ve heard that R6 is easier to script with. Would you recommend having R6 or R15? Would it also be easier to find people that know how to script with R15 like guns and a morph GUI?

Honestly there isn’t that much of a difference between the two.
R6 has spaces in the names so i’d say that it might even more slightly more annoying?
I’ve never had an issue with either.

In my opinion, R15 could be easier to animate because there are more joints and so animations might (I’m not particularly sure though because I’ve only animated with R6 once and animated with R15 a lot) be more smoother. If you make animations for R6 though, I think it would still attract many players because a lot of people in the general Roblox public favour R6, like me. Also, yes, I do think it’s easier to find people to script with R15 because a majority of the Roblox devs animate with R15.

Ah, alright. Thanks for helping!

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I found R15 easier to work with in terms of ragdolling since the ragdoll script used with disabling humanoid property BreakJointsOnDeath only works on R15 due to how the attachments being named better on R15 for easy finding.