I want to make a game where all models have an outline on its model. The game world would be around early Jailbreak map size. Would it be worth the aesthetics, because I think you would be doubling the geometry. This game is not going to be realistic.
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What you could use is Roblox’s highlight object ( if you want it to look less pixelated then the vertices would go higher ); I think that may reduce lag. From aesthetics I think it’s a cool idea!
I’m not exactly sure how much that would affect performance but there is a 31 limit on highlight instances so just keep that in mind
That’s the only reason I am not using highlights purely, I think a combination of three methods would work.
Highlights have a limit on how much you can use also when there are alot on screen at anytime especially in the background it becomes a mess and is hard to see, because the highlights thickness are constant.
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